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DOT compliance is crucial for both small and large transportation companies. If you are an owner-operator, run a small trucking company with a few trucks, or have a company that only operates within the state, you might think DOT compliance is not a big issue for you, and obtaining a DOT number is enough since you do not cross state or international borders. However, that is not the case. DOT compliance is important for both small and large transportation companies.

In fact, it could be even more crucial for small businesses because many of them lack resources and do not have much experience in dealing with the ever-changing and complex regulations governing the transportation industry in the United States.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the DOT do not discriminate between small and large carriers when enforcing the rules. If you have a DOT number, you are subject to the same standards and requirements as any other carrier, regardless of your size or type of business. And if you fail to comply, you could face serious consequences such as fines, penalties, audits, interventions, or even out-of-service orders.

So, how can you stay DOT compliant as a small trucking company? Here are some tips to help you:

Keep your documents up to date: The most important aspect of DOT compliance is maintaining accurate and updated records of your drivers, vehicles, and operations.

These records are critical:

  • Driver qualification files

  • Drug and alcohol consortium certificate

  • Drug and alcohol testing records for each driver in your company

  • Record of duty status (logs) or electronic logging devices (ELD)

  • Vehicle inspection reports

  • Registration documents

  • IFTA reports

  • Accident reports

It is essential to retain these records for a certain period of time, depending on the type of record. You can use software or applications to help manage your records electronically or hire a DOT compliance company to handle them for you.

At Trucking Services & Logistics, we are specialists in solving all your doubts, also remember that we can give you the necessary assistance in issues concerning the DOT. Do not forget to follow our social networks (Facebook and Twitter) or call WhatsApp (813) 435 69 24, to obtain more detailed information.

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